Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesdays with the Lanes

For those who know me, you may know that I have a set of "adopted" grandparents that I met in high school, Bob and Audrey Lane. They have no biological children of their own but have a number of other "adopted" children and grandchildren like me. I am very close to both of them (more so than any of my biological grandparents). They have been married just short of 60 years so far and have been quite an inspiration in my life as well as a great guide and picture of how I want to be when I get older, happy and still in love.

Anyway, back to the title. As part of Tom and my regular weekly routine, we see the Lanes twice a week. Once on Sundays after church for lunch at Camille's (for those who haven't been, you should go) and then on Wednesday night for dinner and a movie. Each week we rotate who cooks. Although, I must admit it is really just the men who rotate cooking, both Audrey and I just get to sit back and enjoy, but we do help with dishes after. :)

We have already finished all the Horatio Hornblowers and are now going through the Anne of Green Gables/Avonlea series. I think the "Anne" movies are some of my all-time favorites! I never had the flair and imagination of Anne, but I can even remember as a kid how fun it seemed to be able to float through stories like she does. Alas, I was given a much more logical, practical brain, which has served me quite well. Although, slightly less fun I must say! Definitely a must see for those of you who haven't already!

These Wednesdays make my week almost every week. I think the Lane's are a great model for me and Tom, I do hope we turn out like them 60 years from now. Still madly in love with each other. I count myself blessed to have them in my life and fear the day we lose either one of them. But that day is not yet upon us, so I shall continue to enjoy their company and wisdom. :)

Yours truly,
Cordelia (gotta watch Anne of Green Gables...) ;-)